Little Bohemian Girl – Fine Art Child Photography

Blogging, I suck at it. I have great intentions but lack the follow through. I am bad. That being said, I am making myself do it. How could I not with gorgeous images like these?

I really haven’t been shooting to much over the last year. I shoot what I need for composites and have just put my light painting on the back burner. I found myself really missing it and picked up my camera to shoot for the sake of shooting and playing in the light again. How in the world did I let myself go so long without doing this I just will not understand. I must have needed the break to bring me back to the love and appreciation I used to have.

I’ve shot a few mini sessions with my daughter and loved them all, each one I loved even more. Then came this one and I made myself swoon with how beautiful they turned out. I knew I wanted a dreamy, yet editorial feel to the images, I knew I wanted gorgeous golden hour backlighting. All of this came together better than what I had hoped for.

I am in love. I love my daughter for always putting up with me wanting to shoot her, whether it be for composite art or for the love of photography. Her and I have this down. We’ve done this so many years now that we can pump out a full session in 10-15 minutes. She rocks as my model, she rocks as my daughter, she rocks at being who is she is.

I hope you enjoy these images.

If you like my work, please feel free to share it or pin on pinterest.

Thanks for taking the time to visit my blog.

Hey leave a comment and say hi and let me know where you hail from!

Kristen Marie

want to keep up with what’s going on, come join the KML Creatives facebook group.

A Walk on the Dark Side – Halloween

OK, call me twisted if you must, I am ok with that. I happen to really love and I mean LOVE a bit of a darker side of art. I don’t get a chance to play in that arena to often. My daughter is my model most of the time and well, she’s all girl and loves to be pretty and floaty and dreamy. I love that too, lets face it, she’s a gorgeous little floaty princess. But this year for Halloween, and all on her own I might add, she said she wanted to be a scary witch!! My heart skipped a beat and my breath caught in my throat and my mind went crazy!!! I knew exactly how we were going to make her costume and I had a pretty good idea of how we were going to do her make up…AND I knew I HAD, absolutely HAD to make a little mini session out of it all before she hit the town to scare everyone and cast her little spells on innocent people whose doors she knocked on to get all that yummy goodness called candy.

SWOON – she makes the best little witch ever!!! My friend Stephanie said and I quote “If the bad witch in Wizard of Oz had a daughter this would be her & it looks like she’s come back to Kansas to look up Dorothy.” PERFECT!!! Please enjoy my little witch….do so at your own risk, she is mighty good at casting spells and you may just find yourself enamored by her bewitching charms. 😉

Light in the Shadows – KML Creatives

So, I am a notorious backlight shooter. I love it, it makes me swoon. I have no shame in it. I love soft, dreamy and whimsical images. I love images that draw you in and just kind of make you sigh, make you want to climb right in and soak in the peacefulness. I like to look at an image and see my subjects lost in their own thoughts. I strive to make images like this. Sometimes I win, sometimes not so much. But it’s a never ending quest of mine. However, I have been wanting to challenge myself a little, step out of my comfort zone of backlighting while keeping all the other aspects of what I love. So, I’ve been on the hunt for pockets of light in the shadows. There is this spot right out my front door that I’ve been watching while the sun is making it’s southward journey. I knew I had to get my sweet girl into this sweet little spot. I knew it had to be a clear day and had to be during the golden hour. Ya know, that last hour before the sun sets. This way I had a natural reflector from the sun shinning down on my front lawn and the wide open sky in front of her. The sun to her back, with little light rays filtering through the trees behind her. I know, it sounds like I am still backlighting, but this is very different from my usual backlighting. There is no open sky behind her at all, just bit of sun dancing in the leaves of the tree behind. I knew it would make for some dreamy bokeh. So, off we went, all 50 steps out our front door, my sweet little one and me.

I can honestly say I am tickled pink with the results. The images made are still everything I love, with some new feelings gently tossed in the mix. I think I will be challenging myself much more in the future.

equipment used : Nikon D600 – 50mm 1.4G
wide open sky as a natural reflector
settings: ISO 100 – 1.4 – 1/1250s

Blessings ♥ Kristen Marie

The Apple Orchard – Childhood Photography

After a over a month of being confined to my bed, I FINALLY am getting around to a bit of normalcy!!! WOOT!!!

One thing I have been desperately wanting to do is this session with my daughter. I had found this adorable 70’s vintage dress on Etsy and have had this session in mind since the beginning of August. It was an incredibly beautiful day yesterday and I was feeling pretty much amazing, in comparison to what I have been feeling and I was determined to do this session. I don’t normally blog so many images, but it was next to impossible to pick just a few. I wanted the whole story told as best as I could. I adore these images. They may not be technically perfect in anyway, but honestly….I DO NOT CARE!!!! They represent some fun quality time with my little baby girl (who really isn’t so little anymore) something that she has been seriously missing since I have been bed bound. My whole family has been missing, well…me. It’s not easy being stuck in bed for so long. Hopefully I am on my way to health and getting back to being a mom and wife.

These images are a treasure to me and I just had to share them. I hope you will enjoy the innocence of childhood that I was trying to convey.

Have a blessed day.

Please do forgive my storyboards being a little out of whack! I was in to much of a hurry to get it done…shame on me 😉

Equipment used: Nikon D600, Nikkor 50 1.4G
Settings: ISO 250 – f2.2 to 2.5 – 1/800s to 1/1000s

Melissa DeWitt Photography – Featured Artist

Featured Artist – Melissa DeWitt Photography

KMLC- What was it about photography that drew you in and made you decide to pursue it?
Melissa – When I was younger, art always intrigued me. Not regular pretty art you saw in homes, but crazy abstract art that didn’t make sense to most people. To me, it made perfect sense and it made me feel normal. At a young age I found out I couldn’t draw or paint but I could write, which I did frequently. It never crossed my mind I could be a professional photographer until AFTER I finished college. Seeing a black and white photograph that was so emotive and offered a piece of history did something inside of me. I wanted to capture that same timeless emotion. Once I had children and became a stay at home mom, photography was my outlet. When my first daughter was born (4 years ago), I pursued it as a business and have been very blessed since….. however, business aside photography will always be an art first.

KMLC- Define your artistic style?
Melissa – When I first began my business, about 4 years ago, I really didn’t know what I was doing. I KNEW I wanted to capture that same abstract emotional feel I saw in art and in black and white images but I didn’t know how to achieve it! The problem was, I was focusing on other photographers and what their style was. I was trying to do what worked for them because for some crazy reason I thought it would work for me. Once I focused on what kind of art made me happy, my photographs changed into something that pleased my soul. I would say my style is me…a part of me. The part of me that loves shadow, matte, raw emotion, and surrealism.

KMLC- Where do you find your motivation to grow, be creative and unique?
Melissa -Ah, my crazy dreams. haha. Now here is the part where you all decide that I am strange. And, I am okay with that. I am one of those people who dream in color… vivid crazy dreams where the emotion sticks with you long after. That is my motivation toward my imagery….to try and stuff an image full of life that screams at you even after the image was taken…10 or 20 years from now.

Being creative is something I enjoy because it is where I can totally be my weird self and embrace it. I love surrealism and I love making an idea come to life through images. Movies, old poetry like Poe or experts by Emerson, children, and life around us motives me to be creative and to create something unreal. Being unique is easy…anyone can do it. All you have to do is be yourself 100%, and don’t worry about what other people are doing. No one…NO ONE, can be you. Ever.

KMLC -Being a business owner can pose many challenges, tell us how you find balance between your business, art and your personal life.
Melissa – This is a hard one. I struggled my first couple of years to find this balance and it still is a struggle sometimes. But now that I am comfortable with my art and where it is going, I only work on specific days, hold proofing sessions on specific days, and the rest is play time. I try to stick to that the best I can because I have 2 young children and a husband….so some sort of balance is crucial.

Cool fact of the day, my husband has became a huge role of this business lately by offering Fusion Films and Stop Motion Films for sessions/weddings!

KMLC- What KMLC products did you use on these images?
Melissa – Overlays, textures, actions….the whole shabang. My creative conceptual shoots extends to creative edits…KMLC products are perfect for the creative brain.

KMLC- Tell us about these images.
Melissa – I asked a friend to give me a word. She said, “love”. I wanted to build a concept on “love”. But how could I show it without being obvious? How do we come to love ourselves and how do we define love? These were the questions I asked myself. Soon enough, the concept to this session was created.

It is about a girl who is running from becoming something she does not want to be. Society is clawing at her forcing her to blend in and she feels the pressure and fear of not knowing what to do. Running from the voices of society, she stops long enough to find simple beauty….simple creatures of this Earth (butterflies). At that point she transforms into love because she can finally see how simple her world can be. She feels beauty and finally her feelings are coming from within and not from an outside source. She can be herself and love herself for it.

KMLC – We all want to know, what’s in your bag?
Melissa – Lint. 🙂 Just kidding.

Nikon D800, Nikon D700, Nikon D5100

Lenses: 35mm, 50mm, 85mm (

I use natural light 95% of the time, and will manipulate it with reflectors or foam board. For when natural light is not cutting it, I break out my studio light set up (Einsteins, beauty dish, barn doors, soft boxes).

From time to time I do rent the 105macro and 24-70mm for special occasions.

Thank so much Melissa!!! Gorgeous images, amazing concept.

to check out more of Melissa’s work head over to her website HERE

and her facebook page HERE

If you would like to be considered as a KMLC Featured Artist, follow the link, fill out the interview and send in your images per the directions at the interview HERE

Be sure to share and spread some love around!!!