Little Bohemian Girl – Fine Art Child Photography

Blogging, I suck at it. I have great intentions but lack the follow through. I am bad. That being said, I am making myself do it. How could I not with gorgeous images like these?

I really haven’t been shooting to much over the last year. I shoot what I need for composites and have just put my light painting on the back burner. I found myself really missing it and picked up my camera to shoot for the sake of shooting and playing in the light again. How in the world did I let myself go so long without doing this I just will not understand. I must have needed the break to bring me back to the love and appreciation I used to have.

I’ve shot a few mini sessions with my daughter and loved them all, each one I loved even more. Then came this one and I made myself swoon with how beautiful they turned out. I knew I wanted a dreamy, yet editorial feel to the images, I knew I wanted gorgeous golden hour backlighting. All of this came together better than what I had hoped for.

I am in love. I love my daughter for always putting up with me wanting to shoot her, whether it be for composite art or for the love of photography. Her and I have this down. We’ve done this so many years now that we can pump out a full session in 10-15 minutes. She rocks as my model, she rocks as my daughter, she rocks at being who is she is.

I hope you enjoy these images.

If you like my work, please feel free to share it or pin on pinterest.

Thanks for taking the time to visit my blog.

Hey leave a comment and say hi and let me know where you hail from!

Kristen Marie

want to keep up with what’s going on, come join the KML Creatives facebook group.

New Challenge – Cinemagraph

So I’ve been really wanting to try creating a cinemagraph for a few years. Didn’t think I had the skillz to pull it off, ya know how those self doubt issues creep up on you and bite ya in your rear end. I let those little buggers get the better of me for far to long and decided I am going to make myself try. I admit I struggled with it. I had so many different variations of this with the main focus always being on my daughter and having a balloon just ever so slightly moving. Well, I settled on this one. I learned some things along the way, I see where my mistakes are and have written them in my memory bank for the next time.

This was really fun to try, my daughter thinks it’s pretty neat too.

What about you? Have you tried this technique? If so, I’d love to hear from you, leave a comment and post a link to your creation.

Titled – Pink Balloon (the still)

The animation

cinemagraph, gif, animated image
I have noticed that when saving for web, the image quality gets rather degraded. If you know of a fix for that, please share.

Winter Photoshop Actions

winter, photoshop actions, winter photoshop actions, snow actions, snow brushe, snow photoshop, winter photoshop

This gallery contains 1 photo.

Winter Photoshop Actions Winter Craze 2014 for cs3+ and CC users Beautiful and integrated action collection enhancing the tones of winter. get the collection HERE 21 color and tone actions *cool night *fire side * warm cocoa * wintergreen * … Continue reading

Painted Skies – KML Creatives Overlays

KML Creatives Painted Skies Overlays

overlays for the creative soul

kml creatives, sky overlays, cloud overlay


These sky overlays were created to be used to help add a little drama to your images. Whether it’s to take a boring sky and give it life or if you are digital composite artist. These sky overlays are a little different from KMLC’s previous overlays in that they are more of a painted look. It took me 6 months of watching the skies daily to find the right look that I was going for. I have compiled my favorites in this collection and love the painted look each of them has. There are 15 all new skies, each one with 2 tones for a total of 30 sky overlays. In the images below you will see how I used one of each of the 15 different skies. The first is the original sky used in my fine art piece titled “Carried Away”. I just wanted to show each of the overlays in use so you can see how they work within the image.

The Painted Skies Overlays will be available for purchase 7/31/14. Want a chance to win the collection? Share this blog post on your facebook page with a link to the KML Creatives facebook page, come back here and leave a comment that you did so. You can get another chance to win the collection by going the KML Creatives facebook page and click on “share” this image here and leave a comment under the image that you shared. Do both and your name will be entered twice into the random drawing. Name will be drawn Friday 8/2/14, so that will give you from the time of this blog post until 11am on Friday. You can share once a day, today. tomorrow and Friday morning. Just be sure to leave those comments so I know you shared. The more you share, the better your chances are of winning the collection. If you purchase the collection before the drawing and your name is picked, you will be reimbursed or you can choose a store credit for the value.

That’s it! Easy as pie 🙂
Thank you and many blessings,
Kristen Marie ♥

Want to follow me where I play – just follow the links below

kml creatives




kml creatives, sky overlays, cloud overlayskml creatives, sky overlays, cloud overlayskml creatives, sky overlays, cloud overlayskml creatives, sky overlays, cloud overlayskml creatives, sky overlays, cloud overlayskml creatives, sky overlays, cloud overlayskml creatives, sky overlays, cloud overlayskml creatives, sky overlays, cloud overlayskml creatives, sky overlays, cloud overlayskml creatives, sky overlays, cloud overlayskml creatives, sky overlays, cloud overlayskml creatives, sky overlays, cloud overlayskml creatives, sky overlays, cloud overlayskml creatives, sky overlays, cloud overlays

Burdens – Fine art portraiture

 The Burdens We Carry

I’ve been horrible at keeping up on blogging. So, I am just going to get started blogging my fine art pieces one at a time.

First I want to start off by thanking my son who so graciously agreed to pose for this image. He did a great job and I want to encourage him to help me out more in the future 😉

I am starting with this piece because it is so representative of why I am so horrible at blogging. We all get into a space now and then where we feel weighed down, like we are carrying a major heavy load and we feel like we can barely move. No matter how great or how small, we as humans tend to let burdens get it the way. Whether it’s lots of little troubles or just a few really big ones, we feel it. The goal is to keep moving, to keep pushing forward and to find a way to shed or carry our heavy loads the best way we can. I am guilty of sometimes falling short in this area. I sometimes feel like I am carrying so much that I can only manage to do the bare minimal, only doing what I have to do to just get by. I let some things slide (like blogging as an example) thinking, I will get to it tomorrow (which by the way never comes) I know I am not alone in this. I am human, we are all weak from time to time. However, I tend to be an optimist….annoyingly so. So I always “know” that things will get better, things will lighten up and I can and will keep moving forward, whether I am hauling burdens or find a way to kick them to the curb.

This piece represents the determination to keep moving despite the load we may feel on our back. The ball and chain that we drag behind us. Sometimes we end up moving so slow that it feels like birds could come roost on us. We keep moving though, we keep trudging through and walking towards the light where we know things are brighter and lighter. We want to get out of the shadows. Only light can create shadows, so we only need to step out from being whatever it is that is creating that shadow. We begin to appreciate peace and calm and the weightlessness of it because we know the weight of the burdens we carry.




kml creatives, kristen marie artistry, burdens. fine art. fine art photography, sunset, journey, carry, heavy, ball and chain, raven.

I truly hope to continue to blog and not let things slide or take for granted of all that I am given, including my burdens.

I need to send a big shout out to my fine art family that I found about 6 months ago. It’s a wonderful group of artists who have come together to support, learn and grow within their art. It is truly an incredibly supportive place. I think finding them helped to push me in pursuing what I knew I needed to be doing. Telling my stories, bringing my imagination and dreams to life through imagery. If you’d like to follow along and gaze upon some incredible art you can find it all right here at The Fine Art Portrait Photography Guild facebook page.

Blessings, Kristen Marie

Want to follow me where I play – just follow the links below

Shatter the Silence – Child Abuse Awareness

The silence on child abuse MUST be shattered!

If you’ve been following my series, thank you and if you have just found it…thank you as well for taking the time to read.

I have no tolerance for child abuse. Children are beautiful and innocent, they are a gift. There is no reason in this entire universe that would make hurting a child ok in my book. I was abused as a child, emotionally, physically and sexually. I know this topic is not comfortable or easy for anyone to talk about or even acknowledge. I know there are some people who will question why I would even “confess” that I was abused. My answer is quite simple, by remaining silent I remain a victim. I am not a victim, I am a survivor. Did it effect me, change me, alter the way I view the world? Yes!!!! It absolutely did! It changed my path in life, it put me in a new direction. However I had a choice to either let it destroy me or to strengthen me. I chose the later. I faced it, I spoke of it, I released the guilt and the shame. I even forgave my abusers. Not for them, for myself. Forgiveness has nothing to do with the offender, it has everything to do with you choosing to let go of bitterness and hate. Not forgiving is only holding onto toxic feelings that only serve to destroy yourself and in by doing so, those that hurt you win. I was not ever going to let the people that hurt me win. It is my life and I was determined to take it back….they could not have it. I will never forget it, it still effects me, it still has an impact on how I see the world. However, it’s what I choose to do with all that that matters now.

From an early adult age I wanted to reach out and help other children, to show them that abuse does not have to define them. They are not the abuse, they should not feel guilt or shame. They didn’t do anything to bring it on, they were not less because of it. Abusers prey on, they hunt and feel out their victims, they manipulate, they are predators ….a child has NO control over this. It is NOT their fault. I wasn’t sure how to reach out and help, but I didn’t let that stop me from trying. At the age of 18 I took a job in a women’s shelter and I worked with the children every day. While Mom was away looking for a job, getting assistance or working on building her own self up to get out of her own abusive situation, I spent my days loving these children, each and everyone of them. I understood them, I related to their acting out, to their tears. I wanted nothing more than to take away all their fears and pain, I did all I could with what I knew to do at the time. I later took a job at a girls group home. Full of teenage girls with demons. Each of them had endured some type of abuse in their life. Because of their anger, shame, guilt and pain they acted out. They knew no other way. Society often looks down on these children as throw aways. Nothing but trouble, put them away, lock them up and toss the key. These children are not toss aways. They need to be loved through their pain, shown a new way, given tools to over come. Both of these jobs (I call them blessing jobs) were tough….it was hard. There were days I didn’t think I could go in and see their pain anymore. I felt their pain as if it were my own… was my own pain. I knew their hurt to the very core of me. I can admit, it did become to much for me. I was still in the infancy of my own survival skills. I knew that it was affecting me so much that I was no longer the strength I wanted to be for them. So, I took a very long break. I went and lived my life, moved all over the place, trying to get everything I could out of life. I never forgot, it was always there….they were always there. It was and to this day still is a constant in my life.

Then I became a mom……

Old feelings and fears reared their ugly head with an intensity that took my breath away.  This was a combination of new and old fears.  I was now a mother and it was going to be over my dead body before I would ever allow anyone to harm my child. With motherhood came a hyper awareness of all children. I was always on alert. I was being called back to do something! I just wasn’t sure how or what. I’ve always been an artist. I’ve always been in love with photographic images that told a story. Fast forward a few years and the idea of doing a fine art photography series grabbed me. I put it off and put it off. I let what others might think of it keep me from doing it. I let my own lack of confidence that I could even do it the way I felt it needed to be done stop me. I dug in deep, I reminded myself that I am a survivor, a fighter and that the abusers should never win. I told myself that if it made people uncomfortable then that was a good thing, You can not ignore this away. By remaining silent I was in fact letting the abusers win, I was allowing it to go un-noticed, I was part of the problem. I could not live with myself knowing this. I want to be a voice and part of the solution. This is my way.

This is a very ugly subject, but my pieces needed to be pretty. I wanted the viewer to be captivated by the innocence and beauty of the child, to be drawn into the image, to feel peace while laying their eyes on the beauty and then to get slapped with the reality of what the story is behind the image. I strive very hard to do this with every piece. My latest one, for me, is my most  important and the one with the most impact so far in this series. If I could only do one single image, this would be the one. This one has it all wrapped up in one.

The title is – Don’t  See, Hear, Speak
What I am trying to convey with this image is 3 fold. The way society reacts to child abuse by ignoring it, pretending it’s not happening and not listening to their own inner voice when they see or feel a child is being hurt by doing nothing. The child who is manipulated, threatened and groomed to remain silent and put on a faux face that everything is right as rain in their world. The abuser who puts on false charms and fools everyone around that they are kind, giving and would never harm a child. They are masters of disguise. This piece is meant to challenge that, to acknowledge, to say NO MORE. Take the blinders off and see what is right in front of you, uncover your ears… listen to what a child is saying and what they are not saying…believe them, remove the gag from your mouth….speak…use your voice, say something. By remaining in a state of denial or because you simply don’t want to get involved…you are part of the problem. Don’t be a part of the problem….Shatter the silence. Let your voice be louder and make yourself heard.

I am putting in a link here to a story I found about America’s first recognized child abuse case. It is not an easy read, but an important one. We have come a long way since little Mary Ellen’s case, but we still have a long way to go. You can read her story HERE.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read. I welcome your feedback.
Many Blessings to all of you,
Kristen Marie


child abuse awareness, kml creatives, kristen marie artistry


Artistique Collection – Actions, Textures and Overlays

It’s HERE!!! Finally released and I am so excited! Head on over to my store to get it for yourself! You can get just the actions (not compatible with photoshop elements) or just the textures and overlays or you can … Continue reading

Keeper of Dreams – Child Abuse Awarness – KML Creatives

My daughter and I were making photos for another piece that I was planning. She had asked if I would get one of her just looking down at her flower. I, of course, complied. When she is helping me I am more than willing to give her something she wants. I kept staring at this image, knowing it was to sweet, to innocent and to beautiful with the stillness of it that I HAD to do something with it. I could not just let it sit without giving it the love that it so rightly deserved. I wasn’t sure where I was going to go with it, but I just dug in. I started building the room, I placed her in it and it all came to life. My daughter is my beautiful dreamer, her imagination is boundless and she is forever telling stories. Anything we see as an ordinary object, she see life it in, animates it, gives it a personality and a story. Sometimes when she is off in one of her little worlds, I just listen without her knowing, I absorb her, taking all of her into my heart. This whole piece is based on her and her imagination, her light.

kml creatives. photoshop textures, textures, photoshop actions

Now, you may be asking how I can attribute this piece to my child abuse awareness series. I can and I do because this image represents the dreams and imaginations of all children, especially those who are afraid and being hurt. Knowing my daughter and her giving and kind little soul, if she could, she would reach out and save everyone of those children, take them into her world with her and let them feel the freedom that she feels inside her imagination and dreams. She of course can not do that, so instead what she can do, is to imagine that she is saving and keeping all those dreams and hopes alive and safe, letting them out when the time calls to do so. She is the keeper of dreams.

This was not a planned piece, but it has become my favorite of the series. Sometimes plans are not needed, sometimes we just have to let go and listen….listen and feel and let the world breathe life into you. I just love the quietness of this image and the life I feel from it.

Thank you for stopping by, many blessings to you and yours.

Kristen Marie

If you’d like to see other images from this series, you can find them here,

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